Friday, January 22, 2010

soap and spirituality

Hello and merry meet,
This soap making has brought about a kind of peace to my spirituality,I feel closer to nature and working hard isn't bad if it brings forth something good you have done, even if it is soap powder.
Let me start off by saying I'm a very spiritual person, that's why I chose to become a nondenominational minister, I went to school to become a spiritual councilor and guide.So who i am is a great factor in my life, I am also a pagan, my bones, skin and heretic heart all belong to the elements and the god and goddess, that's not only who we are and what we believe but it keeps me intune with myself and the earth. Please don't judge me for who I am, i am perfectly happy and wouldn't hurt a fly, it's against our beliefs our motto is "Harm none". So now you know a little more about me, I'd like to say our lifestyle is mainly about balance, sure we beleive in other things but without balance the world would be in chaos, I think thats the problem today in our culture, our politics, how we raise our children and our everyday hussle bussle of not noticing. There must be balance so we all don't fall on our faces from being to much to one side of the see-saw of life. Today just for today find a little balance, be it in meditation, playing with our children or just putting todays troubles to the back burner to appreciate what we have, look around you, find your balance. For everything good there has to be something bad or annoying or whatever or we wouldn't know what good was, how boring. How much more beautiful good is, when something goes just right. Take the bad with the good and sit and watch a sunset or raindrops on the window, or falling snow and say how glorious that i can be here to see this. honor and respect all things and they will show you wonders.
Gotta get back to that soap, keep it clean, Hee,hee, see you in the garden.

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